Adjective: united yoo'nI-tid
- Characterized by unity; being or joined into a single entity
"presented a united front"
- Involving the joint activity of two or more
"a united effort";
- concerted, conjunct, conjunctive, cooperative
- Of or relating to two people who are married to each other
"The united pair faced life's challenges together";
- joined
- Become one
"Germany united officially in 1990";
- unify, merge
- Act or bring together for a common purpose or belief
"the Democratic Party platform united several splinter groups";
- unify
- Be or become joined or united or linked
"The two streets unite to become a highway";
- connect, link, link up, join
- Have or possess in combination
"she unites charm with a good business sense";
- combine
See also: agreed, allied, amalgamate, amalgamated, coalesced, coalescent, coalescing, cohesive, collective, confederate, confederative, conjugate, conjugated, conjunct, consolidated, coupled, federate, federated, fused, in agreement, in league, incorporate, incorporated, integrated, joint, married, merged, nonsegmental, one, suprasegmental, tied, undivided, unified, unitary, unpartitioned, unsegmented
Type of: alter, bear on, change, concern, fall in, feature, have, have to do with, integrate, join, modify, pertain, refer, relate, touch, touch on
Antonym: break apart, divided
Encyclopedia: United, Solidary and Responsible Guadeloupe
Unite, George