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Adjective: allied  u'lId or a-lId
  1. Related by common characteristics or ancestry
    "allied species"; "allied studies"
  2. United in a confederacy or league
    - confederate, confederative
  3. Joined by treaty or agreement
Adjective: Allied
  1. Of or relating to or denoting the Allies in World War I
    "an allied offensive"; "the Allied powers"
  2. Of or relating to or denoting the Allies in World War II
    "an Allied victory"; "the Allied armies"
Verb: ally  'a,lI
  1. Become an ally or associate, as by a treaty or marriage
    "He allied himself with the Communists"

See also: aligned, related, united

Type of: affiliate, associate, assort, consort

Encyclopedia: Allied

Ally, Haute-Loire