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Noun: joint  joynt
  1. Junction by which parts or objects are joined together
  2. (anatomy) the point of connection between two bones or elements of a skeleton (especially if it allows motion)
    - articulation, articulatio
  3. The shape or manner in which things come together and a connection is made
    - articulation, join, juncture, junction
  4. A piece of meat roasted or for roasting and of a size for slicing into more than one portion
    - roast
  5. [informal] Marijuana leaves rolled into a cigarette for smoking
    - marijuana cigarette, reefer [slang], stick [informal], spliff [slang]
  6. [informal] A disreputable place of entertainment
Adjective: joint  joynt
  1. Affecting or involving two or more
    "joint income-tax return"; "joint ownership"
  2. Involving both houses of a legislature
    "a joint session of Congress"
  3. United or combined
    "a joint session of Congress"; "joint owners"
Verb: joint  joynt
  1. Fit as if by joints
  2. (carpentry) provide with a joint
    "the carpenter jointed two pieces of wood";
    - articulate
  3. Fasten with a joint
  4. Separate (meat) at the joint

Derived forms: jointed, joints, jointing

See also: clannish, collective, common, concerted, conjoined, conjoint, conjunct, conjunctive, cooperative, corporate, cosignatory, integrated, many-sided, multilateral, shared, united

Type of: body part, butt, cig [informal], cigaret [US], cigarette, ciggy [Brit, informal], coffin nail [informal], conjunction, connection, connexion [Brit], cut, cut of meat, disunite, divide, durry [Austral, informal], fag [Brit, informal], fasten, fit, fix, furnish, gasper [Brit, informal], go, junction, link, offer, part, provide, render, secure, separate, spot, supply

Antonym: separate

Part of: articulatory system, endoskeleton

Encyclopedia: Joint