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Noun: southeast  ,sawth'eest
  1. A location in the southeastern part of a country, region, or city
  2. The direction corresponding to the southeastward compass point
  3. The compass point midway between south and east; at 135 degrees
    - sou'-east, southeastward, SE
Adjective: southeast  ,sawth'eest
  1. Coming from the southeast
    "southeast breezes";
    - southeasterly
  2. Situated in or oriented toward the southeast
    - southeastern, southeasterly
Adverb: southeast  ,sawth'eest
  1. To, toward, or in the southeast
    - south-east, sou'-east
Noun: Southeast
  1. The southeastern region of the United States
    - southeastern United States

Derived forms: southeasts

See also: south

Type of: compass point, direction, geographic area, geographic region, geographical area, geographical region, location, point

Part of: East, eastern United States

Encyclopedia: Southeast, NY