Adjective: approaching u'prow-ching
- Close in time; about to occur
"The approaching deadline caused stress in the office";
- at hand, close at hand, imminent, impendent, impending, approach, coming
- Of the relatively near future
"the approaching election";
- coming, forthcoming, upcoming
- The event of one object coming closer to another
"We watched the approaching train with anticipation";
- approach
- The temporal property of becoming nearer in time
"The approaching deadline caused increasing anxiety";
- approach, coming
- Move towards
"They cheered up immensely as they approached home";
- near, come on, draw near, draw close, come near
- Come near or verge on, resemble, come nearer in quality, or character
"His playing approaches that of Horowitz";
- border on
- Come near in time
"Winter is approaching"; "approaching old age";
- come near
- Begin or proceed with an activity or task
"approach a task";
- set about, go about
- Make advances to someone, usually with a proposal or suggestion
"I was approached by the President to serve as his adviser in foreign matters"
See also: bound, close, future
Type of: accost, act, approximate, buttonhole [informal], come, come close, come up, motion, move, movement, nobble [Brit, informal], timing
Encyclopedia: Approaching