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Adjective: sloppy (sloppier,sloppiest)  sló-pee
  1. Lacking neatness or order
    "a sloppy room"; "sloppy habits"
  2. Wet or smeared with a spilled liquid or moist material
    "a sloppy floor"; "a sloppy saucer"
  3. (of soil) soft and watery
    "the ground was sloppy under foot";
    - boggy, marshy, miry, mucky, muddy, quaggy, sloughy, soggy, squashy, swampy, waterlogged, squelchy
  4. Not fitting closely; hanging loosely
    "sloppy trousers";
    - baggy, loose-fitting, saggy
  5. Excessively or abnormally emotional
    - overemotional
  6. Marked by great carelessness
    "sloppy workmanship";
    - haphazard, slapdash, slipshod

Derived forms: sloppier, sloppiest

See also: careless, cavalier, emotional, loose, lovey-dovey [informal], squidgy [Brit, informal], untidy, wet

Encyclopedia: Sloppy