Verb: stew st(y)oo- (cooking) cook slowly and for a long time in liquid
"Stew the vegetables in wine" - [Brit] Brew tea for too long, so that the flavour is too strong
- [informal] Be in a huff; be silent or sullen
- grizzle [informal], brood - [informal] Bear a grudge; harbour ill feelings
- grudge - [informal] Be agitated or irritated
"don't stew over these small details"; - fret - [informal] Suffer from intense heat
- swelter Noun: stew st(y)oo- Food prepared by stewing especially meat or fish with vegetables
- [informal] Agitation resulting from active worry
"don't get in a stew"; - fret, sweat [informal], lather, swither [UK, dialect]
Derived forms: stewed, stewing, stews Type of: agitation, brood, cook, dish, perspire, pout, resent, sudate, sulk, sweat, worry Encyclopedia: Stew |