- (primarily spatial sense) having little length or lacking in length
"the board was a foot short"; "a short toss"; "short skirts"; "short hair"
- Low in stature; not tall; describing something or someone with a stature less than normal
"he was short and stocky"; "short in stature"; "a short smokestack";
- little
- Primarily temporal sense; indicating, being or seeming to be limited in duration
"a short holiday"; "a short story"; "only a few short months"; "a short life"; "a short flight"
- Of insufficient quantity to meet a need
"money is short"; "on short rations"; "food is in short supply"; "short on experience";
- inadequate, poor, jejune
- Less than the correct, legal or full amount, often deliberately
"regularly gives short weight";
- light, scant
- Lacking foresight or scope
"a short view of the problem"; "a short-sighted view of the problem";
- shortsighted, unforesightful, myopic, short-sighted
- (of memory) deficient in retentiveness or range
"a short memory";
- unretentive, forgetful
- (finance) not holding securities or commodities that one sells in expectation of a fall in prices
"a short sale"; "short in cotton"
- (phonetics) of speech sounds or syllables of relatively short duration
"the English vowel sounds in ‘pat’, ‘pet’, ‘pit’, ‘pot’, ‘putt’ are short"
- Tending to crumble or break into flakes due to a large amount of shortening
"shortbread is a short crumbly cookie"; "a short flaky pie crust"
- Marked by rude or peremptory shortness
"the salesgirl was very short with him";
- brusque, brusk [non-standard], curt, snippy [informal]
- Accidental contact between two points in an electric circuit that have a potential difference
"The faulty wiring caused a short circuit, tripping the breaker";
- short circuit
- Sale of securities or commodity futures not owned by the seller (who hopes to buy them back later at a lower price)
"The investor engaged in short selling to profit from the expected market downturn";
- short sale, short selling
- The fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed between second and third base
"The short made a spectacular diving catch";
- shortstop
- The location on a baseball field where the shortstop is stationed
"The batter hit a ground ball to short"
- Cheat someone by not returning them enough money
"The dishonest cashier tried to short-change customers during busy periods";
- short-change
- Create a short circuit in
"The faulty wiring short-circuited the appliance"; "Water shorted the electrical system";
- short-circuit
- (finance) sell borrowed shares in the hope that the price will fall before they have to be paid for
"hedge funds are shorting British companies in expectation of a stock market crash"
- So as to interrupt
"She took him up short before he could continue"
- At a disadvantage
"I was caught short";
- unawares
- In a curt, abrupt and discourteous manner
"he talked short with everyone";
- curtly, shortly
- Clean across
"the car's axle snapped short"
- (finance) without possessing something at the time it is contractually sold
"he made his fortune by selling short just before the crash"
- At some point or distance before a goal is reached
"he fell short of our expectations"
- Quickly and without warning
"he stopped short";
- suddenly, all of a sudden, on the spur of the moment, of a sudden, abruptly, dead
Derived forms: shorting, shorts, shorted, shortest, shorter
See also: abbreviated, breakable, brief, chunky, clipped, close, compact, curtal [archaic], deficient, discourteous, dumpy, duration, fleeting, forgetful, fugitive, half-length, heavyset, height, ignorant, improvident, insufficient, length, low, low-set, mindless, momentaneous, momentary, pint-size [informal], pint-sized [informal], runty, sawed-off [N. Amer], sawn-off [Brit], short and sweet, short-dated [Brit], shortened, shortish, short-range, short-run, short-snouted, short-stalked, short-term, snub, squab, squabby, squat, squatty, stature, stocky, stubby, stumpy, telescoped, thick, thickset, truncate, truncated, unmindful
Type of: bunco [N. Amer, informal], bunko [N. Amer, informal], con [informal], contact, create, defraud, diddle [informal], fleece [informal], goldbrick [N. Amer, informal], grift [N. Amer, informal], hornswoggle [N. Amer, informal], make, mulct, parcel, parcel of land, piece of ground, piece of land, position, ream [N. Amer, informal], rook, scam [informal], short-change, swindle, tangency, tract, trading
Antonym: long
Part of: baseball diamond, baseball team, circuit, diamond, electric circuit, electrical circuit, infield
Encyclopedia: Short, OK