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Verb: buy (bought)  bI
  1. Obtain in exchange for payment
    "She buys for the big department store";
    - purchase
  2. (crime) make illegal payments to in exchange for favours or influence
    "This judge can be bought";
    - bribe, corrupt, grease the palm of
  3. Be worth or be capable of buying
    "This sum will buy you a ride on the train"
  4. Acquire by trade, sacrifice or exchange
    "She wanted to buy his love with her dedication to him and his work"
  5. Accept as true
    "I can't buy this story"
Noun: buy  bI
  1. An advantageous purchase
    "the stock was a real buy at that price";
    - bargain, steal, snip [Brit]

Sounds like: by, bye, bi

Derived forms: bought, buying, buys

See also: buy up, stock up

Type of: acquire, be, believe, get, pay, purchase

Antonym: sell

Encyclopedia: Buy, Russia