Adjective: ignorant ig-nu-runt
- Uneducated in general; lacking knowledge or sophistication
"an ignorant man";
- nescient, unlearned, unlettered
- Uneducated in the fundamentals of a given art or branch of learning; lacking knowledge of a specific field
"she is ignorant of quantum mechanics";
- illiterate
- Unaware because of a lack of relevant information or knowledge
"he was completely ignorant of the circumstances";
- unknowledgeable, unknowing, unwitting
- Showing no courtesy; rude
"His ignorant behaviour at the dinner party shocked the guests";
- discourteous
See also: abrupt, brusk [non-standard], brusque, caddish, courtesy, curt, disrespectful, good manners, short, snippy [informal], unceremonious, unchivalrous, uneducated, ungallant, uninformed
Encyclopedia: Ignorant