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Verb: scintillate  'sin-tu,leyt
  1. Show many points or short flashes of light; sparkle
    "the substance scintillated sparks and flashes"
  2. Reflect brightly
    "Unquarried marble scintillated on the hillside";
    - sparkle, coruscate, glister
  3. (celestial body) emit or reflect light in a flickering manner
    "Does a constellation scintillate more brightly than a single star?";
    - twinkle, winkle
  4. Fluoresce momentarily when struck by a charged particle or high-energy photon
    "the phosphor scintillated"
  5. Be lively, brilliant or exhibit virtuosity
    "A scintillating conversation";
    - sparkle, coruscate, glister

Derived forms: scintillating, scintillates, scintillated

Type of: be, beam, emit, fluoresce, give off, give out, reflect, shine

Encyclopedia: Scintillate