Adjective: lively (livelier,liveliest) lIv-lee
- Full of life and energy
"a lively discussion"; "lively and attractive parents"; "a lively party"; "this whole lively world";
- vital, full of life
- Full of zest or vigour
"a lively literary style";
- racy, zingy [informal]
- Quick and energetic
"a lively gait";
- alert, brisk, merry, rattling, snappy [informal], spanking [informal], zippy [informal]
- Filled with events or activity
"a lively period in history"
- Elastic; rebounds readily
"a lively tennis ball";
- bouncy, live, resilient, springy
Derived forms: liveliest, livelier
See also: alert, alive, animated, bouncing, bouncy, breezy, bright-eyed [informal], bright-eyed and bushy-tailed [informal], bubbling, bubbly, burbling, burbly, effervescent, effusive, elastic, energetic, eventful, frothy, full of beans [informal], gushing, life, live, liveliness, peppy [N. Amer, informal], rested, scintillating, sparkly, spirit, spirited, sprightliness, swinging, warm, watchful, zippy [informal]
Antonym: dull
Encyclopedia: Lively, Robert