- Having or caused by an irregular surface
"trees with rough bark"; "rough ground"; "rough skin"; "rough blankets";
- unsmooth
- Causing or characterized by jolts and irregular movements
"a rough ride";
- rocky, bumpy, jolty, jolting, jumpy
- Unpleasantly harsh or grating in sound
"a rough voice";
- grating, gravelly, rasping, raspy, scratchy
- Not carefully or expertly made
"rough carpentry";
- crude
- (of persons or behaviour) lacking refinement or finesse
"she was a diamond in the rough"; "rough manners"
- Not quite exact or correct
"a rough guess"; "The approximative measurement was sufficient for the rough estimate";
- approximate, approximative
- Not perfected
"a rough draft"; "a few rough sketches"
- Full of hardship or trials
"they were having a rough time";
- rocky
- Violently agitated and turbulent
"rough weather"; "rough seas";
- boisterous, fierce
- Ready and able to resort to force or violence
"they were rough and determined fighting men";
- pugnacious
- Unkind, cruel or uncivil
"a rough answer";
- harsh
- Unpleasantly stern
"the nomad life is rough and hazardous";
- harsh
- Not shaped by cutting or trimming
"rough gemstones";
- uncut
- (botany) of the margin of a leaf shape; having the edge cut, fringed or scalloped
"The rough-edged leaves of the dandelion were easily recognizable"
- The part of a golf course bordering the fairway where the grass is not cut short
"His ball landed in the rough, making for a challenging shot"
- Prepare in preliminary or sketchy form
"The architect roughed in the building plans";
- rough in, rough out
- With roughness or violence (‘rough’ is an informal variant for ‘roughly’)
"they treated him rough";
- roughly
- With rough motion as over a rough surface
"ride rough";
- roughly
Sounds like: rote, rough, ruff
Derived forms: roughed, rougher, roughest, roughs, roughing
See also: abrasive, aggressive, alligatored, barky, bidentate, biserrate, bouldered, bouldery, broken, bullate, bumpy, cacophonic, cacophonous, chapped, ciliate, ciliated, coarse, coarse-textured, compound, corded, costate, cracked, cragged, craggy, crenate, crenated, crenulate, crenulated, crispate, crushed, dentate, denticulate, difficult, emarginate, erose, fimbriate, fimbriated, fringed, gravelly, hard, harsh, homespun, imbricate, imbricated, inexact, irregular, jagged, jaggy, lacerate, lacerated, laciniate, lepidote, leprose, lined, mountainous, nonslippery, notched, nubbly, nubby, pebbly, pectinate, pocked, pockmarked, potholed, procellous [archaic], ribbed, rimose, rockbound, rock-ribbed [N. Amer], rocky, roughish, rough-textured, rugged, rugose, rugous [rare], runcinate, sandpapery, saw-like, saw-toothed, scabby, scabrous, scalloped, scaly, scratchy, scurfy, seamed, serrate, serrated, serrulate, shagged, shaggy, shingly, simple, slubbed, spinose, squamulose, stony, stormy, textured, toothed, tweedy, twilled, uneven, unironed, unkind, unpleasant, unpolished, unrefined, unsheared, unskilled, unsubdivided, verrucose, wartlike, warty, wrinkled
Type of: land site, prepare, site
Part of: golf course, links course
Encyclopedia: Rough, William