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Adjective: scratchy (scratchier,scratchiest)  skra-chee
  1. Causing abrasion
    - abrasive
  2. Lacking consistency
    "the golfer hit the ball well but his putting was scratchy";
    - spotty, uneven
  3. Unpleasantly harsh or grating in sound
    "a scratchy voice";
    - grating, gravelly, rasping, raspy, rough
  4. Easily irritated or annoyed
    "an incorrigibly scratchy young man";
    - cranky [informal], fractious, irritable, nettlesome, peevish, peckish [N. Amer, informal], pettish, petulant, testy, tetchy, techy, pouty, narky [Brit, slang]

Derived forms: scratchiest, scratchier

See also: cacophonic, cacophonous, ill-natured, inconsistent, rough, unsmooth

Encyclopedia: Scratchy