Noun: reservation ,re-zu(r)'vey-shun
- The act of reserving (a place or passage) or engaging the services of (a person or group)
"wondered who had made the reservation";
- booking
- The act of keeping back or setting aside for some future occasion
"Their reservation of funds for emergencies proved wise when unexpected expenses arose"
- Something reserved in advance (as a hotel accommodation or a seat on a plane etc.)
"They made a reservation at the popular restaurant weeks in advance"
- The written record or promise of an arrangement by which accommodations are secured in advance
"He made a reservation at the hotel for next week"; "The restaurant was fully booked, but they had a reservation"
- A district that is reserved for particular purpose
"The wildlife reservation protected endangered species";
- reserve
- A statement that limits or restricts some claim
"he recommended her without any reservations";
- qualification, caveat
- An unstated doubt that prevents you from accepting something wholeheartedly
"He agreed to the plan, but with a mental reservation about its feasibility";
- mental reservation, arrière pensée
- An area of land set aside by the government for Native American tribes
"He grew up on the Cherokee reservation"
Derived forms: reservations
Type of: administrative district, administrative division, agreement, doubt, doubtfulness, dubiety, dubiousness, employment, engagement, incertitude, prearrangement, preservation, saving, statement, territorial division, uncertainty, understanding
Encyclopedia: Reservation