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Noun: saving  sey-ving
  1. An act of economizing; reduction in cost
    "there was a saving of 50 cents";
    - economy
  2. Recovery or preservation from loss or danger
    "a surgeon's job is the saving of lives";
    - rescue, deliverance, delivery
  3. The activity of protecting something from loss or danger
    - preservation
Adjective: saving  sey-ving
  1. Bringing about salvation or redemption from sin
    "saving faith"; "saving love";
    - redemptive, redeeming
  2. Characterized by thriftiness
    "wealthy by inheritance but saving by constitution"
Verb: save  seyv
  1. Prevent being ruined, destroyed, lost, or harmed
    - salvage, salve, relieve
  2. To keep up and reserve for personal or special use
    "She saved the old family photographs in a drawer";
    - preserve
  3. Bring into safety
    "We saved most of the victims of the bomb attack";
    - carry through, pull through, bring through
  4. Spend less; buy at a reduced price
  5. Accumulate money for future use
    "He saves half his salary";
    - lay aside, save up
  6. Make unnecessary an expenditure or effort
    "I'll save you the trouble"; "This will save you a lot of time"; "This will save money"
  7. (religion) Prevent committing sins
    - deliver, redeem
  8. Refrain from harming
    - spare
  9. Spend sparingly, avoid the waste of
    "This move will save money";
    - economize, economise [Brit]
  10. Retain rights to
    "save the possibility of a merger";
    - keep open, hold open, keep
  11. (computing) record data on a computer
    - write

Derived forms: savings

See also: good, thrifty

Type of: action, book, deliver, drop, expend, forbear, forbid, foreclose, forestall, hold, hold on, keep, preclude, prevent, protection, record, recovery, refrain, rescue, reserve, retrieval, spend, tape

Encyclopedia: Saving

Save, Rwanda