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Noun: protection  pru'tek-shun
  1. The activity of protecting someone or something
    "the witnesses demanded police protection"
  2. A covering that is intend to protect from damage or injury
    "wax provided protection for the floors"; "they had no protection from the fallout";
    - protective covering, protective cover
  3. Defence against financial failure; financial independence
    "insurance provided protection against loss of wages due to illness";
    - security
  4. The condition of being protected
    "he enjoyed a sense of peace and protection in his new home"; "they were huddled together for protection";
    - shelter
  5. Kindly endorsement and guidance
    "the tournament was held under the protection of the city council";
    - auspices, aegis
  6. The imposition of duties or quotas on imports in order to protect domestic industry against foreign competition
    "he made trade protection a plank in the party platform";
    - trade protection
  7. Payment extorted by gangsters on threat of violence
    "every store in the neighbourhood had to pay him protection";
    - tribute

Derived forms: protections

Type of: activity, assets, covering, endorsement, extortion, imposition, indorsement, infliction, security

Encyclopedia: Protection, Kansas