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Noun: razing  rey-zing
  1. The event of a structure being completely demolished and leveled
    - wrecking
  2. Complete destruction of a building
    - leveling [US], tearing down, demolishing, levelling [Brit, Cdn]
Verb: raze  reyz
  1. Destroy (a building or buildings) so as to make nearly level the ground
    "When a force occupies an enemy fortress, it may raze the fortifications";
    - level, rase, dismantle, tear down, take down, pull down, flatten

Sounds like: rrazing

Type of: demolition, destroy, destruct, destruction, devastation, spifflicate [Brit, informal], spiflicate [Brit, informal], uncreate [literary], wipeout

Antonym: put up

Encyclopedia: Razing

Raze, Haute-Saône