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Adjective: mesmerising  'mez-mu,rI-zing
Usage: Brit (N. Amer: mesmerizing)
  1. Attracting and holding interest as if by a spell
    "read the bedtime story in a mesmerising voice";
    - hypnotic, mesmeric, mesmerizing, spellbinding
Verb: mesmerise  'mez-mu,rIz
Usage: Brit (N. Amer: mesmerize)
  1. Maintain the complete attention of (someone), e.g. because they are fascinated
    "She mesmerised the audience with her tricks";
    - magnetize, mesmerize, magnetise [Brit], bewitch, spellbind, hypnotize, hypnotise [Brit]
  2. Induce hypnosis in
    - hypnotize, hypnotise [Brit], mesmerize

See also: attractive

Type of: calm, charm, influence, sedate, tempt, tranquilize [N. Amer], tranquillise [Brit], tranquillize

Encyclopedia: Mesmerise