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Adjective: fueled  fyoo-uld
Usage: N. Amer (elsewhere: fuelled)
  1. Heated, driven, or produced by burning fuel
    "The Sun is fueled by nuclear fusion";
    - fuelled [Brit, Cdn]
Verb: fuel (fuelled,fuelling, or [US] fueled,fueling)  fyoo(-u)l
  1. Provide with a combustible substance that provides energy
    "fuel aircraft, ships, and cars"
  2. Provide as a source of energy or heat
    "Oil fuels the furnace";
    - fire
  3. Take in fuel, as of a ship
    "The tanker fueled in Bahrain"
  4. Stimulate
    "fuel the debate on creationism"

See also: clean-burning, coal-burning, coal-fired, liquid-fueled, oil-fired, wood-burning, wood-fired

Type of: excite, furnish, offer, provide, render, shake, shake up, stimulate, stir, supply, take in, take up

Antonym: unfueled [N. Amer]

Encyclopedia: Fuel