Noun: burning bur-ning
- A process in which a substance reacts with oxygen to give heat and light
"The burning of fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere";
- combustion
- The act of burning something
"the burning of leaves was prohibited by a town ordinance";
- combustion
- Pain that feels hot as if it were on fire
"He felt a burning sensation in his throat after eating spicy food";
- burn
- Execution by electricity
"The state used burning as a method of capital punishment until it was outlawed";
- electrocution
- Execution by fire
"Joan of Arc was sentenced to burning at the stake in 1431";
- burning at the stake
- A form of torture in which cigarettes, cigars or other hot implements are used to burn the victim's skin
"The burning of prisoners was considered a war crime"
- Flaming as it burns
"forests set burning by lightning";
- ablaze, afire [literary], aflame, aflare [rare], alight, on fire, in flames
- With strong feeling or passion
"a burning desire for revenge"
- Of immediate import
"burning issues of the day"
- Undergo combustion
"Maple wood burns well";
- combust
- Destroy by fire
"They burned the house and his diaries";
- fire, burn down
- Shine intensely, as if with heat
"The candles were burning";
- glow
- Cause to undergo combustion
"The car burns only Diesel oil"; "burn garbage";
- incinerate
- Cause to burn or combust
"The sun burned off the fog";
- combust
- Damage by burning with heat, fire, or radiation
"The sun burned her fair skin during the beach vacation"
- Feel strong emotion, especially anger or passion
"She was burning with anger"; "He was burning to try out his new skis"
- Spend (significant amounts of money)
"He has money to burn"
- Execute by tying to a stake and setting alight
"Witches were burned in Salem"
- Burn, sear, or freeze (tissue) using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent
"The surgeon burned the wart";
- cauterize, cauterise [Brit]
- Get a sunburn by overexposure to the sun
"He burned easily and had to be careful at the beach";
- sunburn
- Create by duplicating data
"burn a CD";
- cut
- Use up (energy)
"burn off calories through vigorous exercise"; "burn up calories through vigorous exercise";
- burn off, burn up
- Cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort
"The sun burned his face";
- bite, sting
- [informal] Strongly criticize
"she was burnd for being fat";
- slate [Brit, informal], tear to shreds [informal], slam [informal], roast [informal]
- Feel hot or painful
"My eyes are burning"
Derived forms: burnings
See also: important, lighted, lit, of import
Type of: ache, alter, beam, blow [informal], capital punishment, care for, change, change integrity, change of integrity, change state, color [US], colour [Brit, Cdn], consume, create, damage, death penalty, deplete, destroy, discolor [US], discolour [Brit, Cdn], eat, eat up, execute, executing, execution, exhaust, expend, experience, feel, hurt, hurting, make, modify, oxidation, oxidisation [Brit], oxidization, pain, produce, put to death, ruin, run through, shine, smart, squander, torture, torturing, treat, turn, use, use up, waste, wipe out
Encyclopedia: Burning
Burn, Piano Island, Burn