- Having an (over)abundance of flesh
"he hadn't remembered how fat she was"
- Containing or composed of fat
"fat tissue";
- fatty
- Having a relatively large diameter
"a fat rope"
- [informal] Lucrative
"a nice fat job";
- juicy [informal]
- (of land or soil) capable of growing abundant crops or plants
"a fat land";
- fertile, productive, rich
- A soft greasy substance occurring in organic tissue and consisting of a mixture of lipids (mostly triglycerides)
"pizza has too much fat"
- A kind of body tissue containing stored fat that serves as a source of energy; it also cushions and insulates vital organs
"fat protected them from the severe cold";
- adipose tissue, fatty tissue
- Excess bodily weight
"she disliked fat in herself as well as in others";
- fatness, blubber, avoirdupois
Usage: archaic
- Make fat or plump
"The farmer fatted the pigs for market";
- fatten, flesh out, fill out, plump, plump out, fatten out, fatten up
Sounds like: farcy, Farsit, pha
Derived forms: fats, fatting, fattest, fatted, fatter
See also: abdominous [archaic], adipose, blubbery, body weight, buttery, buxom, chubby, corpulent, double-chinned, dumpy, embonpoint, endomorphic, fattish, fleshy, fruitful, greasy, gross, heavy, heavyset, jowly, lardy [informal], loose-jowled, obese, oily, oleaginous, overweight, paunchy, plump, plumpish, podgy [Brit, informal], porcine, porky [informal], portly, potbellied, profitable, pudgy [informal], pyknic, roly-poly [informal], rotund, rounded, sebaceous, stout, suety, superfatted, thick, thickset, tubby, weighty, zaftig [N. Amer, informal], zoftig [N. Amer, informal]
Type of: alter, animal tissue, bodily property, change, lipid, lipide, lipoid, modify
Part of: adipose cell, fat cell
Encyclopedia: Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead