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Adjective: feudatory  'fyoo-du,to-ree [N. Amer], fyoo-du-t(u-)ree [Brit]
  1. Owing feudal allegiance to or being subject to a sovereign
    "it remained feudatory to India until 1365"
  2. Of or pertaining to the relation of a feudal vassal to his lord
    "a feudatory relationship"
Noun: feudatory  'fyoo-du,to-ree [N. Amer], fyoo-du-t(u-)ree [Brit]
  1. A person holding a fief; a person who owes allegiance and service to a feudal lord
    - vassal, liege, liegeman, liege subject

Derived forms: feudatories

See also: subordinate

Type of: acolyte, follower

Encyclopedia: Feudatory