Adjective: fawning fo-ning
- Attempting to win favour from influential people by flattery
"Her fawning remarks to the boss were transparent";
- bootlicking [informal], obsequious, sycophantic, toadyish
- Attempt to gain favour through obsequious behaviour or flattery
"The new employee fawned over the boss";
- toady, truckle, bootlick [informal], kowtow, kotow, suck up [informal], smoodge [Austral, informal]
- (of an animal, esp. a dog) show affection through submissive behaviour like crouching, tail-wagging, or licking
"The dog fawned at her feet"
- Have fawns
"deer fawn"
See also: insincere
Type of: bear, birth, blandish, deliver, flatter, give birth, have
Encyclopedia: Fawn, Missouri