Adjective: departing du'paa(r)-tingVerb: depart di'paa(r)t
- Move away from a place into another direction
"The train departs at noon";
- go, go away
- Go away or leave
"He took leave of his friends before departing";
- take leave, quit
- Head for somewhere else
"The family departed for Florida";
- part, start, start out, set forth, set off, set out, take off
- Remove oneself from an association with or participation in
"She wants to depart";
- leave, pull up stakes
- Wander from a direct or straight course
"The hikers departed from the main trail to explore a hidden waterfall";
- sidetrack, digress
- Be at variance with; be out of line with
"His opinion departed from the group consensus";
- deviate, vary, diverge
See also: outgoing
Type of: change, deviate, differ, divert, exit, get out, go away, go forth, go out, leave, off [informal]
Antonym: stick around
Encyclopedia: Departing