Adjective: coruscating 'kor-u,skey-ting or 'kó-ru,skey-ting
- Having brief brilliant points or flashes of light
"bugle beads all coruscating";
- aglitter [literary], coruscant [literary], fulgid [literary], glinting, glistering [archaic], glittering, glittery, scintillant, scintillating, sparkly
- Animated and brilliantly clever or witty
"coruscating wit";
- scintillating, sparkling
- Marked by harshly abusive criticism
"his coruscating remarks about silly lady novelists";
- scathing, vituperative
- Reflect brightly
"Unquarried marble coruscated on the hillside";
- sparkle, scintillate, glister
- Be lively, brilliant or exhibit virtuosity
"his playing coruscated throughout the concert hall";
- sparkle, scintillate, glister
See also: bright, critical, intelligent
Encyclopedia: Coruscating