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Noun: z
  1. The 26th letter of the Roman alphabet
    "the British call Z zed and the Scots call it ezed but Americans call it zee";
    - Z, zee [N. Amer], zed [Brit, Cdn], ezed, izzard
Noun: Z  zee [N. Amer], zed [Brit]
  1. The ending of a series or sequence
    "the Alpha and the Z, the first and the last, the beginning and the end";
    - omega
  2. (physics) a short-lived neutral elementary particle that mediates the weak force
    - Z boson

Derived forms: zs, Zs

Type of: alphabetic character, conclusion, ending, finish, gauge boson, letter, letter of the alphabet

Part of: Latin alphabet, Roman alphabet

Encyclopedia: Z,Z-farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase