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Verb: wrangle  rang-gul
  1. To quarrel noisily, angrily or disruptively
    "The bar keeper threw them out, but they continued to wrangle on down the street";
    - brawl
  2. Herd and care for
    "wrangle horses"
Noun: wrangle  rang-gul
  1. An angry dispute
    "they had a wrangle";
    - quarrel, row[2], words, run-in [informal], dustup [informal], dust-up, blue [Austral, NZ, informal], bust-up [informal], slanging match [Brit, informal], ding-dong [Brit, informal], barney [Brit, informal]
  2. An instance of intense argument (as in bargaining)
    - haggle, haggling, wrangling

Derived forms: wrangled, wrangles, wrangling

Type of: altercate, argufy, bargaining, conflict, difference, difference of opinion, dispute, herd, quarrel, row[2], scrap

Encyclopedia: Wrangle, Lincolnshire