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Noun: walkover  'wok,ow-vu(r)
  1. Backbends combined with handstands
  2. Any undertaking that is easy to do
    "marketing this product will be no walkover";
    - cinch [informal], breeze [informal], picnic [informal], snap [informal], duck soup [N. Amer, informal], child's play [informal], pushover, piece of cake [informal], doss [Brit, informal]
Verb: walk over  wok ow-vu(r)
  1. Beat easily
    "The local team walked over their old rivals for the championship"

Derived forms: walkovers, walking over, walks over, walked over

Type of: acrobatic feat, acrobatic stunt, beat, beat out, crush, labor [US], labour [Brit, Cdn], project, shell, task, trounce, undertaking, vanquish

Encyclopedia: Walkover

Walk over