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Adjective: walk-in  'wok,in
  1. (of e.g. closets or refrigerators) extending very far enough back to allow a person to enter
    "a deep walk-in refrigerator"; "walk-in closets"
Noun: walk-in  'wok,in
  1. Person who walks in without having an appointment
    "the emergency room was overrun with walk-ins"
  2. An operative who initiates his own defection (usually to a hostile country) for political asylum
  3. An assured victory (especially in an election)
    - waltz
  4. A small room large enough to admit entrance
Verb: walk in
  1. Enter by walking
    "She walks in at all hours, as if she lived here"

Derived forms: walked in, walking in, walk-ins, walks in

See also: deep

Type of: come in, defector, deserter, enter, get in, get into, go in, go into, individual, intelligence agent, intelligence officer, mortal, move into, operative, person, room, secret agent, somebody, someone, soul, spook [informal], spy, triumph, victory

Encyclopedia: Walk-in

Walk in