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Noun: wager  wey-ju(r)
  1. An act of gambling
    "he did it on a wager";
    - bet, flutter [Brit, informal], punt [Brit, informal]
  2. The money risked on a gamble
    - stake, stakes, bet
Verb: wager  wey-ju(r)
  1. Stake money or something else of value on the outcome of an unpredictable event or disputed issue
    "I wager $100 on that new horse";
    - bet, play
  2. Maintain with or as if with a bet
    "I wager she will be there!";
    - bet

Derived forms: wagered, wagering, wagers

Type of: anticipate, call, forebode, foretell, gamble, gambling, gaming, play, predict, prognosticate, promise

Part of: pool

Encyclopedia: Wager, Michael