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Verb: foretell (foretold)  for'tel
  1. Foreshadow or presage
    - announce, annunciate, harbinger, herald
  2. Make a prediction about; tell in advance
    "foretell the outcome of an election";
    - predict, prognosticate, call, forebode, anticipate, promise
  3. Be a sign of something to come, esp. something important or bad
    "These signs foretell bad news";
    - bode, portend, auspicate, prognosticate, omen, presage, betoken [archaic], foreshadow, augur, prefigure, forecast, predict, foretoken

Derived forms: foretells, foretelling, foretold

Type of: bespeak, betoken [archaic], guess, hazard, indicate, point, pretend, signal, tell, venture