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Noun: trapezium (trapeziums,trapezia)  tru'pee-zee-um
  1. [N. Amer] A quadrilateral with no parallel sides
    - trapezoid [Brit]
  2. The wrist bone on the thumb side of the hand that articulates with the 1st and 2nd metacarpals
    - trapezium bone, os trapezium
  3. [Brit] A quadrilateral with two parallel sides
    - trapezoid [N. Amer]
Noun: Trapezium
  1. A multiple star in the constellation of Orion

Derived forms: trapezia, trapeziums

Type of: carpal, carpal bone, multiple star, quadrangle, quadrilateral, tetragon, wrist bone

Antonym: parallelogram

Encyclopedia: Trapezium