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Adjective: splendid  splen-did
  1. Having great beauty and splendour
    "splendid costumes";
    - glorious, resplendent, splendiferous
  2. Of the highest quality, skill, etc.; very good or impressive
    "he was a splendid teacher";
    - ace [informal], A-one [informal], crack [informal], first-rate, super, tiptop, topnotch [informal], top-notch [informal], tops [informal], A1 [informal], excellent, first-class, fantabulous [informal], ripping [Brit, informal], mean [informal], beezer [UK, archaic], lush [Brit, informal], stellar [informal], awesome [informal], brilliant, outstanding, top-drawer
  3. Characterized by grandeur
    "the splendid coronation ceremony";
    - brilliant, glorious, magnificent, majestic

See also: ace [informal], amazeballs [informal], awesomesauce [informal], beaut [Austral, NZ, informal], beautiful, blinding [Brit, slang], brill [Brit, informal], crucial [slang], cushty [Brit, informal], def [slang], fab [Brit, informal], impressive, legit [US, slang], lit [US, slang], magic [Brit, slang], nang [Brit, slang], phat [slang], rad [N. Amer, slang], radical [N. Amer, slang], righteous [US, slang], sick [N. Amer, slang], smokin' [slang], smoking [slang], socko [N. Amer, informal], stonking [Brit, informal], storming [Brit, informal], super [informal], super-duper [informal], superior, wicked [slang]

Encyclopedia: Splendid