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Adjective: shortsighted  'short'sI-tid
  1. Unable to see distant objects clearly
    "A person who is shortsighted can see the words in books";
    - nearsighted [N. Amer], myopic, short-sighted
  2. Lacking foresight or scope
    "shortsighted policies";
    - short, unforesightful, myopic, short-sighted
  3. Not given careful consideration
    "shortsighted actions often result in disaster";
    - ill-considered, ill-judged, improvident, short-sighted
Adverb: short-sightedly
  1. With lack of foresight
    "He was standing there peering excitedly and short-sightedly out at the rain through his glasses";
    - myopically, nearsightedly [N. Amer]

See also: improvident, imprudent

Encyclopedia: Shortsighted