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Adjective: sacked  sakt
  1. Having been robbed and destroyed by force and violence
    "the sacked countryside";
    - despoiled, pillaged, raped, ravaged
Verb: sack  sak
  1. Plunder (a town) after capture
    "the barbarians sacked Rome";
    - plunder
  2. Terminate the employment of; discharge from an office or position
    "The boss sacked his secretary today";
    - displace, fire, give notice, can [N. Amer, informal], dismiss, give the axe [informal], send away, force out, give the sack, terminate
  3. Make as a net profit
    "The company sacked $1 million";
    - net, sack up, clear
  4. Put in a sack
    "The grocer sacked the onions"

See also: destroyed

Type of: benefit, case, encase, gain, incase, profit, remove, take

Encyclopedia: Sacked

Sack, Robert