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Noun: ribbing  ri-bing
  1. A framework of ribs
  2. The act of harassing someone playfully or maliciously (especially by ridicule); provoking someone with persistent annoyances
    "his ribbing was gentle but persistent";
    - tease, teasing, tantalization, wind-up [Brit, informal], tantalisation [Brit]
Verb: rib (ribbed,ribbing)  rib
  1. [informal] Subject to laughter or ridicule
    "The satirists ribbed the plans for a new opera house";
    - ridicule, roast [informal], guy, blackguard, laugh at, jest at, make fun, poke fun
  2. (handicraft) form vertical ribs by knitting
    "A ribbed sweater"
  3. Form ridges or a rib-like pattern
    "the rock above and below was ribbed with sharp edges"
  4. Form or support with an architectural rib or ribs

Derived forms: ribbings

See also: joke

Type of: bemock, frame, framework, harassment, knit, mock, molestation

Encyclopedia: Ribbing, Maria
