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Noun: rhubarb  'roo,baa(r)b
  1. Long pinkish sour leafstalks usually eaten cooked and sweetened
    - pieplant [N. Amer]
  2. Plants having long green or reddish acidic leafstalks growing in basal clumps; stems (and only the stems) are edible when cooked; leaves are poisonous
    - rhubarb plant
  3. Long cultivated hybrid of Rheum palmatum; stems often cooked in pies or as sauce or preserves
    - pie plant [N. Amer], garden rhubarb, Rheum cultorum, Rheum rhabarbarum, Rheum rhaponticum
  4. [Brit, informal] Statements or beliefs that are untrue or make no sense
    - bunk [informal], bunkum [informal], buncombe [informal], guff [informal], rot [informal], hogwash [informal], flapdoodle [N. Amer, informal], Irish bull [slang], bull [slang], junk [informal], bilge [informal], nonsense, jive [N. Amer, informal], folderol, rubbish [informal], tripe [informal], trumpery [archaic], trash [informal], wish-wash [informal], applesauce [N. Amer, informal], codswallop [Brit, informal], falderal

Derived forms: rhubarbs

Type of: drivel, garbage, herb, herbaceous plant, veg [Brit, informal], vegetable, veggie [informal]

Part of: genus Rheum, Rheum

Encyclopedia: Rhubarb