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Verb: reprimand  're-pru,mãnd
  1. Rebuke formally
    - censure, criminate
  2. Censure severely or angrily
    "The deputy reprimanded the Prime Minister";
    - call on the carpet [US, informal], take to task, rebuke, rag [informal], trounce, lecture, jaw [informal], dress down [informal], call down [informal], scold, chide, berate, bawl out [informal], remonstrate, chew out [N. Amer, informal], chew up [N. Amer, informal], have words, lambaste, lambast, ream [N. Amer, informal], wig [Brit, informal]
Noun: reprimand  're-pru,mãnd
  1. An act or expression of criticism and censure
    "he had to take the reprimand with a smile on his face";
    - rebuke, reproof, reproval, reprehension

Derived forms: reprimanded, reprimanding, reprimands

Type of: criticise [Brit], criticism, criticize, damn [informal], knock [informal], pick apart, unfavorable judgment [US], unfavourable judgment [Brit, Cdn]

Encyclopedia: Reprimand