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Noun: remission  ri'mi-shun
  1. An abatement in intensity or degree (as in the manifestations of a disease)
    "his cancer is in remission";
    - remittal, subsidence
  2. A payment of money sent to a person in another place
    - remittance, remittal, remitment
  3. (law) the act of remitting (especially the referral of a law case to another court)
    - remitment, remit
  4. The act of absolving or remitting; formal redemption as pronounced by a priest in the sacrament of penance
    - absolution, remittal, remission of sin

Derived forms: remissions

Type of: abatement, hiatus, payment, redemption, referral, reprieve, respite, salvation, suspension

Part of: penance

Encyclopedia: Remission