Adjective: reclaimed ri'kleymd or ree'kleymd
- Recovered for reuse; salvaged
"The furniture was made from reclaimed wood"
- (of land) drained, filled, or otherwise made suitable for use
"The Netherlands has many reclaimed areas that were once underwater"
- Take possession of something (esp. a house) when the present owner defaults on payments for it or on payments on a load secured on it
"The bank reclaimed the car when the owner defaulted on payments";
- repossess
- Make useful again; transform from a useless or uncultivated state
"The people reclaimed the marshes"
- Reuse (materials from waste products)
"The factory reclaimed plastic bottles to make new products";
- recover
- Bring, lead, or force to abandon a wrong or evil course of life, conduct, and adopt a right one
"The Church reclaimed me";
- reform, regenerate
- Overcome the wildness of; make docile and tractable
"reclaim falcons";
- domesticate, domesticize, domesticise [Brit], tame
Type of: acquire, alter, change, convert, get, modify, recycle, reprocess, reuse
Encyclopedia: Reclaimed