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Adjective: precipitating  pri'si-pu,tey-ting
  1. Bringing on suddenly or abruptly
    "the completion of the railway was the precipitating cause in the extinction of waterborne commerce"
Verb: precipitate  ,pri'si-pu-tut
  1. Bring about abruptly
    "The crisis precipitated by Russia's revolution"
  2. Separate as a fine suspension of solid particles
  3. (of rain, snow, etc.) landing after falling from the clouds
    "Vesuvius precipitated its fiery, destructive rage on Herculaneum";
    - come down, fall
  4. Fall vertically, sharply, or headlong
    "Our economy precipitated into complete ruin"
  5. Hurl or throw violently
    "The bridge broke and precipitated the train into the river below"

See also: causative

Type of: cast, change state, come down, descend, effect, effectuate, fall, go down, hurl, hurtle, set up, sink, turn

Encyclopedia: Precipitating
