Adjective: playful pley-ful
- Full of fun and high spirits
"playful children just let loose from school";
- ludic [formal]
- Carefree and happy; not serious
"The playful kitten chased the ball of yarn";
- blithe, blithesome [archaic], lighthearted, lightsome, light-hearted, unserious
See also: arch, cheerful, coltish, devilish, elfin, elfish, elvish, frisky, frolicky, frolicsome, fun, impish, implike, kittenish, ludic, mischievous, mocking, pixilated, pixillated, playfulness, prankish, puckish, quizzical, rascally, roguish, rollicking, scampish [rare], sportive, teasing, wicked [informal]
Antonym: sober
Encyclopedia: Playful