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Noun: panting  pan-ting
  1. Breathing heavily (as after exertion)
    - heaving
  2. [N. Amer] Any fabric used to make trousers
    - trousering
Verb: pant  pant
  1. Breathe noisily, as when one is exhausted
    "The runners reached the finish line, panting heavily";
    - puff, gasp, heave
  2. Utter while panting, as if out of breath
  3. [informal] Desire strongly or persistently
    - hanker, long, yearn

Derived forms: pantings

Type of: blow, breathing, cloth, desire, emit, external respiration, fabric, let loose, let out, material, respiration, textile, utter, ventilation, want

Encyclopedia: Panting, Matthew

Pant, Shropshire