Noun: runner rú-nu(r)
- A trained athlete who competes in foot races
"The marathon runner crossed the finish line after 26.2 miles"
- Someone who travels on foot by running
"The runner jogged through the park every morning"
- A person who is employed to deliver messages or documents
"he sent a runner over with the contract"
- (baseball) a baseball player on the team at bat who is on base (or attempting to reach a base)
"The base runner stole second on the next pitch";
- base runner
- (football) the player who is carrying (and trying to advance) the ball on an offensive play
"The linebacker tackled the runner before he could reach the end zone";
- ball carrier
- A horizontal branch from the base of plant that produces new plants from buds at its tips
"Strawberry plants spread by producing runners";
- stolon, offset
- A long narrow carpet
"They rolled out a red runner for the visiting dignitaries"
- Device consisting of the parts on which something can slide along
"The drawer's runners needed lubrication to slide smoothly"
- Someone who imports or exports without paying duties
"The runner was caught trying to bring illegal goods across the border";
- smuggler, contrabandist, moon curser, moon-curser
- Fish of western Atlantic: Cape Cod to Brazil
"Blue runners often gather around offshore oil platforms";
- blue runner, Caranx crysos
- [Austral, NZ, Ireland] A canvas shoe with a pliable rubber sole
"He wore comfortable runners for his daily jog";
- gym shoe, sneaker, tennis shoe, trainer [Brit], takkie [Ireland, S.Africa, informal], tackie [Ireland, S.Africa, informal], sneak [N. Amer, informal]
Derived forms: runners
Type of: athlete, ballplayer, baseball player, carpet, carpeting, courier, crim [Brit, informal], criminal, crook [informal], device, felon, football player [N. Amer], footballer [N. Amer], jack, jock [N. Amer, informal], malefactor [formal], messenger, outlaw, plant organ, rug, shoe, traveler [US], traveller [Brit, Cdn]
Part of: sled [N. Amer], sledge, sleigh
Encyclopedia: Runner, Runner