Adjective: overlooking ,ow-vu(r)'lû-king
- Situated so as to have a clear view from above or a dominant position over the surroundings
"the balcony overlooking the ballroom";
- commanding, dominating
- Look past, fail to notice
"He overlooked the typo in the document"; "She overlooked his rude behaviour"
- Forgive or deliberately ignore (a fault or offence)
"I'll overlook your tardiness this time"
- Watch over
"I am overlooking her work"
- Look down on
"The villa overlooks the town";
- dominate, command, overtop
- Face or be oriented toward
"The apartment overlooks the Hudson";
- look out on, look out over, look across
- Leave undone or leave out
"How could I overlook that typo?";
- neglect, pretermit [archaic], omit, drop, miss, leave out, overleap [archaic]
See also: high
Type of: act, lie, lose, miss, move, survey
Encyclopedia: Overlook