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Verb: outrage  'awt,reyj
  1. Strike with disgust or revulsion
    "The scandalous behaviour of this married woman outraged her friends";
    - shock, offend, scandalize, scandalise [Brit], appal [Brit, Cdn], appall [US]
  2. Disregard the sacred character of a place or language
    - desecrate, profane, violate, defile
  3. Force (someone) to have sex against their will
    "The woman was outraged on her way home at night";
    - rape, ravish [archaic], violate, assault, dishonor [US, archaic], dishonour [Brit, Cdn, archaic]
Noun: outrage  'awt,reyj
  1. Anger aroused by some perceived offence or injustice
    - indignation
  2. A wantonly cruel act
  3. A disgraceful event
    - scandal
  4. The act of scandalizing
    - scandalization, scandalisation [Brit]

Derived forms: outraged, outrages, outraging

Type of: affront, anger, assail, assault, atrocity, attack, choler, disgust, inhumanity, insult, ire, nauseate, revolt, set on, sicken, trouble

Encyclopedia: Outrage