Adjective: obligated 'ó-blu,gey-tid
- Caused by law or conscience to follow a certain course
"felt obligated to repay the kindness"; "was obligated to pay off the student loan"
- Force somebody to do something
"The contract obligated them to complete the work";
- compel, oblige
- Commit in order to fulfil an obligation
"obligate money"
- Bind by an obligation; cause to be indebted
"He's obligated by a contract";
- oblige, bind, hold
See also: beholden, duty-bound, indebted, obliged, responsible, supposed, tributary
Type of: cause, commit, confide, entrust, get, have, induce, intrust [archaic], make, relate, stimulate, trust
Antonym: unobligated
Encyclopedia: Obligated