Adjective: mortified 'mor-ti,fId
- Made to feel uncomfortable because of shame or wounded pride
"felt mortified by the comparison with her sister";
- embarrassed, humiliated
- Suffering from tissue death
"The mortified tissue had to be surgically removed";
- gangrenous
- Cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of
"He mortified his colleague by criticising him in front of the boss";
- humiliate, chagrin, humble, abase
- Hold within limits and control
"mortify the flesh";
- subdue, crucify
- Practice self-denial of one's body and appetites
"The ascetic mortified his flesh through fasting and prayer"
- Undergo necrosis
"the tissue around the wound mortified";
- necrose, gangrene, sphacelate
Type of: bruise, check, condition, contain, control, curb, discipline, hold, hold in, hurt, injure, moderate, offend, rot, spite, train, waste, wound
Encyclopedia: Mortified