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Adjective: jerking  jur-king
  1. Lacking a steady rhythm
    - arrhythmic, jerky, arhythmic
Noun: jerking  jur-king
  1. An abrupt spasmodic movement
    - jerk, jolt, saccade
Verb: jerk  jurk
  1. Pull, or move with a sudden movement
    "He turned the handle and jerked the door open";
    - yank [informal], hoick [informal]
  2. Move with abrupt, seemingly uncontrolled motions
    "The patient's legs were jerking";
    - twitch
  3. Make an uncontrolled, short, jerky motion
    - twitch
  4. Jump vertically, with legs stiff and back arched
    - buck, hitch
  5. Throw or toss with a quick motion
    "jerk his head";
    - flick

Derived forms: jerkings

See also: unsteady

Type of: draw, force, motility, motion, move, move involuntarily, move reflexively, movement, pull, push

Encyclopedia: Jerking
